I...uh.....think...I want to....ummmm. Marry Sam Beam, maybe? A little?

Or a very close facsimille.
For those of you not in the know, homeboy here is
Iron & Wine, which is very rapidly becoming my new favorite band...type...thing. Well, Mr. Beam here, and then
Calexico and
Thanks to the magics of the intarwebs (and having a bit too much alone time), my musical tastes have kinda undergone a sea change. I still love the Deftones, and Pharrell still needs to be my personal bitch, but I think maybe mellower, bluesy/bluegrassy/folky stuff makes me pretty fuckin happy at the moment. Really pretty damned happy. That and the new locale has made my head a lot calmer.
Maybe I'm mellowing in my advancing years.
I'm old....22 next month....dear sweet Zombie Jebus, bust out the Botox.
Oh, oh, oh. Here is my favorite song at the moment.
Lion's Mane
run like a race for family
when you hear like you're alone
the rusty gears of morning
and faceless, busy phones
we gladly run in circles
but the shape we meant to make is gone
and love is a tired symphony
you hum when you're awake
and love is a crying baby
mama warned you not to shake
and love's the best sensation
hiding in the lion's mane
so i'll clear the road, the gravel
and the thornbush in your path
that burns a scented oil
that i'll drip into your bath
the water's there to warm you
and the earth is warmer when you laugh
and love is the scene i render
when you catch me wide awake
and love is the dream you enter
though i shake and shake and shake you
and love's the best endeavor
waiting in the lion's mane