Yeah, he can pretty much suck my dick.
Wow, there is NOTHING I love more than condescending, patronizing, controlling asshole misogynist fucks with more bullheaded bravado than intelligence. I
LOVE THEM LOVE THEM LOVE THEM......with a rusty hatchet.
Landlords, sometimes, are total fucking fucks. My current one (well, the husband of the pair) reacts to any inquiry I have with complete and utter, "YOU'RE TRYING TO ANALLY RAPE ME IN A FINANCIAL SENSE YES YES YOU ARE SHUT UP LITTLE GIRL I KNOW WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT". Puh-fucking-lease.
I mean, I pay my rent and assorted bills on time. I don't do drugs, I don't party, and I don't really let people come to my house. I'm clean. I garden. The last thing I am out to do is screw over the person who owns the house and property where I currently dwell, you know?
Fuck. I am going to sodomize that prick with rebar wrapped in razorwire, honesttozombiejebus.
On a lighter note! Dorian will be an engineer in T-Minus....29 days. BOO YAH. And a few weeks after that, the Spectacular Trophy-Boy (like a trophy wife but trashier and probably sluttier) that I won in Montana
(see: Land of Sheep Rapers) is wandering to my state to say hello....and stuff.......heh. Anyhoo! Boozing. Yes. Let's see if I can get him to get drilled by Bellingham's finest inkslinger, Ms Gavi of Mutiny Tattoo, eh? That'd be fucking amusing! I hope he cries. Crying rugby player...mmmmmm. That's good stuff right there.
....Of course, this leaves the Very Nice Young Gentleman in the dust, the poor kid. He was very sweet, but in the end I immasculated him. Nothing irks me more than being able to physically overpower a fella.
Except for the lady on NW Cable News, she irks me soooooo much I want to kick her ass.
Well, that is all. How very male-centric? I feel like there should be a phallus in this....oh, it comes......

Close enough, wouldn't ya say? Word 'em up homies.