Why I think some things happen for a reason.
So, frightening factoid. I've been single for an entire week and a half now, and it's the longest I've been single in....2 years and then some.
That is just not fucking alright.
Now, don't get me wrong, I am NOT the type of girl who doesn't feel complete without a fella. I'm cool with me. I mean, I always appreciate dating on a superficial level, you know, keeping things light and on the emotional DL. So I guess that doesn't count as being in a relationship so much as keeping myself amused and with companions.
I like partners in crime.
I get a bit too crazy about said partners, though.
Maybe this recent bout of singledom came along to teach me something. Like, I'm ok. I enjoy a lot of things more when I'm not carrying the baggage of others. If someone can't accept me, it's not my problem.
What a useless post.
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