a mildly amusing and hellaciously self-indulgent tool in which I attempt to maintain a functioning level of sanity.

Sunday, February 05, 2006,11:10 AM
Argumentative hobgoblin.
So, I have a kid. Not just any type of kid, a two year old son who behaves like...well, a two-year old, I suppose. Except MY son sits on the couch, watching Little Bill with his ass in the air, licking a chunk of stainless steel a friend of mine made as a welding assignment. Yes, licking. I asked him to stop, and he just sent "nooooooooo" all quiet between slurps. And then he proceeded to babble a little tune. I swear to god, I quit smoking pot after I found out I was pregnant, I really, really did. I think the paint chips and uranium cookies might've contributed to some strangeness, though.If someone had told me that kids would be as disgusting and bizarre as they actually are, I probably would have felt less weird about getting knocked up when I did.
Anyhooo. It's the Super Bowl, big w00t...Seattle's actually playing! Amazing! You know, as a WA resident, you grow up just taking it for granted that your team will suck nuts year after year after year, so you move on and find another state's team to adopt. If you're into such things, I mean. I'm not. I could give a fuck less, except when people get horrifically slammed and badly hurt, then I laugh a little.
Anyways. I don't care about the game really, I just wish I was out drinking beer and eating weird superbowl party food, like frito casserole and brie with jam.
Hunh. Now I is hungry.
Off to the land of staring blankly into the fridge until my little hobgoblin decides it looks like a good place to live.